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Meaningful Valentine's Day Cards & Decor (part 2)

Hopefully you've had the chance to read part one of this post series on creating meaningful and tasteful Valentine's Day décor in your home. If not, you can read it here. In this post, not only will we cover a couple additional meaningful decor ideas, but I've also created some fabulous and meaningful (of course!) Valentine's Day cards for your kiddos to give away at school.

So, let's start with the décor... I have to say, I am pretty stoked at the treasures I found at the thrift store this month for decorating. I totally scored! As mentioned, I'm not a huge fan of cheesy holiday décor, so I set out to find something that had both neat meaning and a vintage/farmhouse vibe. I'm happy to say I found two great things: love song sheet music art and "love" themed vintage books.

The first is this great vintage valentine art that I found on the back of some sheet music. All I did was simply put it in a frame I already had on my bookshelf and voila - instant art! If you can't find anything like this, go to the Graphics Fairy and look for vintage valentines day art. She has a ton of free images you can download. Also, here's another design tip I use in this display - swap out the pictures in your frames, either photographs or artwork, on a seasonal basis. It keeps things fresh.

Second, I found these vintage books all with themes of love. It took some time for me to go through all the shelves of books they had, but it was well worth it. I even found a super sweet inscription on one of the books from 1947 that reads, "To May and Myron, from an ever penitent Valentine". I wonder what the story was here and what he was sorry for? Maybe I'll try to find out?! Anyway, to give my home some subtle color, I cleaned off the books, spray painted them in a soft pink and tied a simple hemp bow around a few of them for display. Décor like this is super cheap and easy - another reason why I love it so much.

Ok, now onto my FREE Valentines Day cards! Tonight I sat with my son, stuffing gummy worms into little plastic bags for his class party. They are super cute, especially for a boy, but as I sat there stuffing away (and this time I mean my mouth!), I wondered what kind of faith based, positive Valentines were out there? While l did find some on Pinterest, I thought I could do better, so I set out to do so. To that end, I made up these four simple, farmhouse-esc fold over cards that you can staple to a treat bag full of the candy of your choice. I wanted the message to be positive and faith based, but not "hit-you-over-the-head" religious. I think I did ok!

Please feel free to print these FREE VALENTINES DAY CARD PDF's off (remember to print LANDSCAPE) on white cardstock, cut them in half and then fold them over in the middle. I hope they help you spread the love of Christ is a fun, meaningful and beautiful way (Post some of your pictures of these Valentines in the comments below or on my facebook page (and while you're there, "Like Me"!)

In His LOVE,


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