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Do You Have a True Companion?

Happy December first everyone! I am so glad it’s December, not only because it’s the start of the Christmas season, but because it’s the end of “MOvember”.

For those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s when men grown out their facial hair to raise awareness of men’s health issues. Every

“Movember” my hubby looks like this! Honestly, while he still looks handsome, I hate the prickly feel of facial hair when I give him a kiss. Blah!

Anyway, this season also marks the beginning of advent. I love this practice, but have to admit that I haven’t spent a lot of time really focused on its meaning or practice. That is changing this year. To start, yesterday I read a short contemplative devotion by a Paula Gamble-Grant of reFresh Ministries. You can read the whole devo here:

The basic premise of the exercise was to look at this picture and reflect on the feelings it evoked. If I’m being honest, my initial reaction really surprised me because it wasn’t positive. I looked at it again, and again, and again, desperately trying to find a positive emotion from the picture. I tried to force one, but knew it wouldn’t be authentic if I did. Why in the world was I feeling like this? Now I felt guilty! This is a picture of Mary and Elizabeth elated with joy for their upcoming births, so why was I upset by it? It was at that point that I decided to stop away from the exercise for a bit to let my emotions sit for a bit.

Well, it didn’t take long for God to bring it right back to me, front and center. You see, when God really wants to get my attention, he shows me a common theme three times, usually over a short period of time. That very night, my adorable son, climbed to my bed and asked me to read him a story. I was tired and really didn’t want to, but I couldn’t really resist his sweet and ernest pleadings. So, I went over, crawled into bed next to him and propped the book up on my knees. Tonight, he had chosen his

storybook bible and wanted to start reading where his bookmark lay. I turned the pages to where the red thread fell, and guess what? Yes… it was the story of Mary and Elizabeth. “Ok Lord, what do you want me to learn from this”. I thought more and more about why I was feeling negative with this picture story and here’s what I discovered.

By nature, I tend to be very empathetic and I tend to take on others’ feelings as my own. It’s great when I really need to relate to someone, but it can be difficult too when I am bombarded by pain and despair. I discovered that I was putting myself in the shoes of Mary and instead of elation, I felt fear and anger. I mean, can you imagine what it would have been like to be Mary? Historians say she was probably 14 or 15 and unwed. She was facing the prospect of being stoned for being pregnant out of wedlock. She was visited by an angel – to me that would scare me to death! She was carrying the SON OF GOD, for heaven’s sake (pun intended). I don’t know that I would have been so willing. My pregnancy was really rough, so I am also thinking about having to deal with all of that while traveling, let alone of the back of donkey!

God knew that Mary needed support through all of this, so he sent a friend and true companion – Elizabeth. Elizabeth, being divinely pregnant as well, knew exactly what she was going through and could truly empathize with her. She was filled with joy because they had wanted a child for a very long time and finally had one. I think that the joy in the picture from Elizabeth was present to help Mary get through this tough time. Mary had a companion – one filled with joy, hope, wisdom and empathy. Doesn’t that sound amazing? Isn’t God amazing? He knew exactly what Mary needed and provided it in human form. Yes, God is with us all the time. He is our Emmanuel and our best friend, but he didn’t create us to be alone. He created us to be in relationship with one another too – to have companions to help us through our life here on earth. That’s why he sent Elizabeth to Mary.

Maybe that’s why I am struggling too. As I write this, God is showing me that he too cares about this need in my life. You see, I have really struggled with some friendships in my life lately. I have struggled with feelings of rejection, inadequacy and failure. Sometimes I wonder if people really want me in their life or will really, truly be there for me if I need it. I guess in all honesty, I doubt that. I desperately want an “Elizabeth” in my life. Don’t we all? So, maybe God brought this lesson to my attention to tell me that I can count on him to provide a companion, and that I don’t have to worry about going down life’s really tough roads alone. Do you feel that way too? Do you have a true companion in your life? If so, thank them. If not, join me in praying for God to meet that need in your life. Please feel free to share in the comments below, what God is showing you and how he is meeting this need in your life.

Thank you for reading.

In HIS love,


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